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Project Tag: Groundwater Sourcing

Produced Water Hub

The client requested that Integrated Sustainability transform an existing borrow pit into a Lined Water Storage Pond/Water Hub in northeast British Columbia. The Pond will be used to store

Mine Closure Planning Project

provide support to the mine Water Group in support of mine closure planning. Requested deliverables included: Closure planning for decommissioned or soon-to-be decommissioned facilities; Dedicated disposal areas monitoring and

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal

Decentralized wastewater treatment plant and disposal design for a large exploration camp in a remote location in the Yukon Territory. Extreme cold temperatures as low as -60°C were expected

Modular Mine Water Treatment Plant

Modular Mine Water Treatment Plant

Designed modular mobile treatment packages for a remote mine in the Golden Triangle region of BC. Treatment parameters focused on:
metals & arsenic removal, Ammonia removal and
contingency selenium

Alluvial Aquifer Characterization

Evaluation of stream response to groundwater interception in support of fish habitat offsetting with a detailed model of groundwater and surface water interaction for design phase.

Water Resources Development

Appraisal and installation of large-scale industrial water source(s) for hydraulic fracturing and camp water supply for unconventional gas development in NE BC.

Groundwater Evaluation

Integrated Sustainability was asked to complete the requirements for a licence for groundwater supply wells to provide up to 205 m3/day to support the development of a new sub-division

Groundwater Monitoring Programs

Develop a Groundwater Monitoring Program to align with site-specific constraints and client-specific operational criteria and optimize a solution that meets regulatory compliance and achieves project objectives.

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