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Project Service: Data and Geomatics

Biophysical Data Amalgamation

Integrated Sustainability has been retained for the amalgamation of biophysical data in anticipation of migration to a new data platform.

Alluvial Aquifer Characterization

Evaluation of stream response to groundwater interception in support of fish habitat offsetting with a detailed model of groundwater and surface water interaction for design phase.

Site Soils Assessments

Soils Assessment Program to determine if there are any areas of environmental concern and support a British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) Certificate of Restoration (COR) for the

Water Resources Development

Appraisal and installation of large-scale industrial water source(s) for hydraulic fracturing and camp water supply for unconventional gas development in NE BC.

Groundwater Evaluation

Integrated Sustainability was asked to complete the requirements for a licence for groundwater supply wells to provide up to 205 m3/day to support the development of a new sub-division

Groundwater Monitoring Programs

Develop a Groundwater Monitoring Program to align with site-specific constraints and client-specific operational criteria and optimize a solution that meets regulatory compliance and achieves project objectives.

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