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Biophysical Data Amalgamation

The Challenge

Integrated Sustainability has been retained for the amalgamation of biophysical data in anticipation of data migration to a new enterprise data management platform. Biophysical datasets included:

Vegetation and wildlife data:

  • Datasets extending from 2001 to 2015
  • Majority of data coded for species identification and counts
  • Existing field data sheets for many datasets
  • Location points and tract lines for sampling locations

Baseline monitoring well and borehole data:

  • Several hundred monitoring well completions logs

The Result

Random Acronym, Integrated Sustainability’s software and data management group, completed the amalgamation, normalization, and output for two major milestones.

Milestone 1 – Vegetation and Wildlife Data Amalgamation

  • Validation of species, locations, counts, and other observational data codes
  • Collation and standardization for streamlined integration of acQuire which requires both;
    • Engagement of the client’s biophysical data personnel to determine capture parameters and coding standards
    • Meeting with the new enterprise data management platform team to ensure alignment of proposed coded structure

Milestone 2 – Baseline Monitoring Well / Borehole Data Amalgamation

  • Completions intervals
  • Materials used and their specifications
  • Collation of data into existing new enterprise data management platform template for streamlined integration to the new enterprise data management platform

ESG Project Benefits:

  • Utilizing innovative technology to sustainability manage and support wildlife and biodiversity
Project Title

Biophysical Data Amalgamation

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