Project Execution
- Caribbean countries share similar economic and sustainable development challenges, including a small population, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, and most importantly, vulnerability to climate change and climate variability. Given the current condition of the marine environment, most coastal areas have few defenses against the raging surfs of hurricanes and tropical storms, and the likely consequences would be significant to coastal damage including beach erosion and infrastructure damage.
- We assembled a team of specialists in policy development, climate change, environmental analysis, stakeholder engagement, and training workshops. The goal of this project was to develop and design a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to prepare the Co-operative Republic of Guyana for the anticipated changes that will occur to food, water, and energy systems as a result of increased climate change and resource/energy scarcity.
- Review and update the Climate Resilience Strategy and Action Plan (CRSAP) to address gaps and to ensure alignment with the existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) endorsed framework for NAPs.
ESG Project Benefits:
- Climate risk, vulnerability assessment, gender analysis, and identification of sustainable development efforts most at risk from climate change.
- In-country training workshops and policy and regulatory development to address anticipated changes to food, water, and energy systems as a result of increased climate change and resource/energy scarcity.
- Assisting Guyana in preparation for the negative affects of climate change towards agriculture and the water sector facilitates a strong and growing economy.