Water Demand and Quality Analysis for a Hydrogen Project
Project Highlights
Our client had identified the availability of water to meet the current and future industrial water demands for a green energy project (including 1500 MW of electrolyzer capacity) as a critical business risk.
Integrated Sustainability was retained to identify and evaluate potential water resource opportunities that would support and de-risk this project and define the costs associated with accessing, conveying, storing, and treating source water as necessary to meet the project needs.
Our scope of work included the following:
- Hydrologic evaluation of several river basins at specified diversion points.
- Evaluation of existing water infrastructure status and condition.
- Water supply and demand assessment to evaluate the effectiveness (as a percentage of total demands) of local surface water sources in supplying existing and future project needs.
- Regulatory roadmap development to facilitate critical next steps in retaining water-related licenses, allocations, or other regulatory-related permits that enable the dependable supply of fresh water to the project.
- Design and capital cost estimate development for new water conveyance and treatment infrastructure to meet project needs.
- Recommended approach to de-risk periods of reduced water availability.
The water supply and demand analysis highlighted above focused on developing various scenarios which incorporate existing water demands, future water demands, existing infrastructure supply capabilities, and, where applicable, the utilization of existing storage capacity to help satisfy the forecasted project development needs.
ESG Project Benefits
As part of our mission to Build The Future Sustainably, we strive to ensure projects leave a positive legacy and align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project delivered the following Environmental, Social, and Governance benefits for our client:
- Energy transition mapping & enablement
- Responsible water resource management
- Stakeholder liaison and engagement