The Challenge
The Island Lake Lodge has a green philosophy and a mission to operate in a sustainable way, valuing sustainability-focused hydroelectric power generation, and wastewater treatment. Current and planned modifications for the water management infrastructure required a review of their environmental impact on the lake and streams on the site to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
The hydroelectric generation station and outlet required assessment to determine how a change in operation may affect the nearby lake and stream, and to evaluate the operations for compliance with Environment Canada regulations and the Fisheries Act. A BC Ministry of Environment Water License amendment was also required.
The existing wastewater treatment effluent field required assessment to ensure that the resort development was not adversely affecting the water quality of the lake.
The Result
Integrated Sustainability conducted impact assessments and provided conclusions regarding the impact of the hydroelectric station discharge on the lake water balance, and the impact of the effluent field on the lake.
Integrated Sustainability also provided recommendations for sustainable operation of the hydroelectric station through management of the discharge streams and the effluent field. Long term inspection, monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the effluent field and surrounding environment was initiated.