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Water Reuse and The Role Barbados Plays As A Leader the Region

As Barbados confronts critical water challenges, the concept of water reuse emerges as a promising solution.

Barbados, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, has long been an oasis retreat for travellers from around the world. It’s a paradise to most minds, attracting upwards of half a million tourists annually.

However, beneath the surface, a less-known reality unfolds: the island has long grappled with severe water challenges that often impact the socio-economic stability. However, this challenge is not unique to Barbados and plagues most of the Caribbean islands today.

With a population of over 282,000 persons, Barbados ranks among the top 15 most water-scarce countries in the world. Moreover, there has been an increase in water consumption both from the resident population and the growing tourism sector.

With tourism returning to pre-pandemic levels, contributing $508.2 million toward the island’s 10% economic growth in 2022, there is no indication that the sector’s water use trend will reverse.

This implies an inevitable corresponding increase in wastewater flows with higher demand implications for sanitation services and infrastructure.

First published in Business Barbados, November 29th 2023.

Nick St-Georges, BAPE, P.Eng.
Vice President, International
Integrated Sustainability

Reclaimed Water Treatment Consultants

Reclaimed Water Treatment

As population growth accelerates, alternative water sources are filling the gap to reduce demands on existing infrastructure and reduce freshwater withdrawal from the environment.

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