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Barbados: Water Reclamation for an Ice-Cream Factory & Meat Processing Plant

Project Execution


  • Ecohesion was chosen in 2021 to advise on both potable water supply and purification as well as wastewater treatment and reuse water reclamation.
  • The challenge was the strict international and local requirements for the disposal of wastewater from food manufacturers.
  • The capacity was 10,000 US GPD. The technology used was Membrane Bioreator (MBR) to provide design, build, operate & maintenance services.
  • Ensuring the effluent quality criteria of local and international bodies, a value-engineered containerized water treatment facility is maintained and operated by the Ecohesion team
  • Due to high fats, oil, and grease as well as COD and TSS in the waste, an advanced hybrid system was designed to treat this wasted water to a reusable quality for the nearby farmland.

ESG Project Benefits:

  • Generated high quality reusable water which meets the local and international standards.
  • The biological sludge is dewatered along with the sludge from the DAF by an advanced sludge press.

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