Will Your Operations Be Impacted?
Drought Conditions Present | Streamflow Monitoring is Critical
Despite higher than average rainfall for most of the province this year, Southern Alberta has collected just 25% – 60% of average precipitation over the last 12 months, leading to extreme drought conditions.
This bulletin features information on the transition beyond the spring freshet period, stream flow conditions across the province, and how this may impact the oil and gas industry in western Canada. We hope you find this edition informative, useful, and will aid in understanding how this may affect your water management.
Download this special bulletin by renowned hydrologist Ian Grant, MSc, P.Geo., and find out if your operations will be affected this year.
Climate change is likely to result in water scarcity and more frequent extreme events. Integrated water resources management can help address risks and lead to better decision-making regarding the use of our water supplies. It has become increasingly important to evaluate the current hydrological conditions and use this information (e.g. precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration, snowmelt) in hydrological modelling processes to help with better management and administration of water resources.
Integrated Sustainability has the capacity to help its client regarding the key issue of water security and sustainable management with the use of hydrological and hydraulic modelling. These kinds of models can predict the volume of water (quantitively and qualitatively) in streams or reservoirs, which can benefit decision-making for water-reliant activities.
If you are looking for a comprehensive, reliable water forecast tool, Integrated Sustainability can help and provide the necessary skills and support.